
今日新发布通知公告1条 | 上传规范


来源:   发布日期:2013-04-10

学术报告题目:Advanced Vehicle Technologies and New Transportation Fuels: Their Energy and Environmental Effects/先进车辆技术和新交通燃料及其对能源和环境的影响
报告人:Michael Wang王全录(美国阿岗国家实验室)
时间:410日上午 1030-1130

    Michael Wang is the manager of the Systems Assessment Section of the Energy Systems Division at Argonne. Dr. Wang’s research areas include the evaluation of energy and environmental impacts of advanced vehicle technologies and new transportation fuels, the assessment of market potentials of new vehicle and fuel technologies, and the projection of transportation development in emerging economies such as China.
    Dr. Wang has developed Argonne’s GREET (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation) software model for life-cycle analysis of advanced vehicle technologies and transportation fuels. With the GREET model, Dr. Wang has done extensive research in life-cycle analyses of petroleum fuels, biofuels, hydrogen, electricity and advanced vehicle technologies such as hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, battery-powered electric vehicles, and fuel-cell vehicles.
    Dr. Wang’s research and the GREET model have been used by governmental agencies in North America, Asia, and Europe to develop transportation fuel policies such as low-carbon fuel standards and vehicle greenhouse gas emission regulations.
    In addition to his work in the United States, Dr. Wang has collaborated with governmental agencies, automotive companies, energy companies, universities, and research institutions in China, Japan, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and Europe.


