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来源:   发布日期:2012-05-07
 报告人:吴建福 教授

题目:Kriging and Alternatives in Computer Experiments



摘要:It has been increasingly practical and popular to simulate a complex system or product on a computer. This new modus operandi has seen many applications in engineering and physical sciences. One key technical problem for implementing the simulations of a large/complex system is the incredible amount of computing time required. To tackle this challenge, meta-models are used as a supplement to expensive computations like finite element simulations. The most commonly used technique for building a meta model is kriging, which originated in geo-statistics. There are known limitations with kriging, especially its numerical instability for large samples and/or dimensions. Alternative techniques to circumvent this problem have been proposed in recent years. They range from tweaking of the original kriging technique to the use of easy-to-compute functions as approximations to the unknown functions. Four such methods will be described and general comments be made.

演讲人简介:吴建福(C.F. Jeff Wu)教授

国际著名统计学家,美国工程院院士,中央研究院院士。1971年毕业于台湾大学数学系,1976年在加州大学伯克利分校获统计学博士学位。先后执教于威斯康星大学、滑铁卢大学、密歇根大学和佐治亚理工大学,曾任密歇根大学统计系主任,现任乔治亚理工学院工程统计讲座教授。吴建福教授在数理统计、工业统计、参数设计和实验设计等诸多领域,取得了令人瞩目的杰出成就,发表论文140多篇,出版专著两部,指导博士生37名。1987年获COPSS奖,2011年应邀做COPSS Fisher演讲,并将在2012年JSM上做Deming演讲,2011年获中国科院“爱因斯坦讲席教授”称号。
